What To Do If Stopped by The Police in Tulsa, Oklahoma

• DO NOT argue.

• DO NOT make any sudden or quick movements.

• DO NOT explain, give excuses or stories.

• DO NOT run.

• DO NOT complain or make threats.

• DO NOT make any statements.

• DO NOT give consent to any search of your home, car or person.

• DO NOT resist, even if you feel mistreated.

• DO NOT touch a police officer in any manner.

• DO NOT give permission to enter your home without a warrant.

• DO NOT interfere or obstruct the officer.

• DO NOT sign anything except for a traffic citation and your property receipt at booking.

• DO be polite.

• DO courteous and cooperative.

• DO ask the magic question—“Am I free to go?” If the answer is yes, LEAVE. If the answer is no, BE QUIET, because you are technically in custody.

• DO furnish your driver’s license and insurance if requested.

• DO keep your hand visible.

• DO be quiet.

• DO ask to see any warrant before a search is allowed.

• DO sign any ticket that is issued. Refusal to sign a ticket will get you arrested.

• DO stop as soon as possible.

• DO find a safe place to stop. If you do not see a place that you feel is safe or appropriate to stop, turn on your hazard warning lights to acknowledge the officer, slow your speed slightly and proceed to a safe place to stop.

• DO ask to speak with an attorney before answering any questions that go beyond the initial stop.

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