Unlawful Possession of SpaghettiOs?
Justice is served when a guilty man is convicted and an innocent man is not. What do we call it when a woman spends a month in jail for possession of SpaghettiOs?
One can only imagine the reaction of other inmates when a woman says the cops mistook sauce from a can of SpaghettiOs for methamphetamine. That is not a simple “I didn’t do it” or “I am innocent.” You cannot make that up.
After pulling the vehicle over, the police noticed a spoon in a 23-year old woman’s bag that had “some residue” on it. According to the Huffington Post, the police did not believe her SpaghettiO sauce story and charged her with possession of methamphetamine. She was jailed for about two weeks and released under certain conditions. One of the conditions was that she would make court appointments. She was thrown back in jail after missing one, and had to stay in jail for a month because she couldn’t afford the bond.
This poor and very misunderstood lady was not released until the lab analysis found that the substance on the spoon contained absolutely no illicit substances.
This woman sat in jail contemplating pleading guilty just to get out. The police say they acted in “good faith” and that the arresting officer “found it strange” that someone would eat SpaghettiOs and put the spoon in her purse.
I wonder how many other people sit in jail for something “strange” but completely “legal” they have done and nobody believes them.
Ladies and Gentlemen, lesson learned: Stop being weird. Don’t do strange things. Even if you think something is not that weird, you may want to consult an attorney and secure legal advice first.
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